Valentina Díaz Langdon

Valentina Díaz was born in Chile, within a family of snow ski pioneers. Practically on skis in the Andes. Her father, a pioneer and athlete in outdoor sports; She inherited these qualities from him. "I prepared her, under the rigor and ability to face difficult life situations" his father would say.
She met bodyboarding at the age of 15, which she began to practice more frequently at 17. After finishing school, she ventured to travel alone on her own financial means to Central America for 3 long months. That definitely marked her, and she decided that traveling and adventure were tremendously seductive for her. Later, she decided to enter the world of competition; this rewarded her with great achievements, as being recognized as the best in her specialty in Chile and one of the best in the world, also being among the elite of the competition in high performance. In parallel to her successful life as a competitor, she became the first professional bodyboarder recognized by the Chilean government.
She is also recognized as a big wave rider; she has been the one who has broken the record of surfing giant waves while traveling  around the world, especially the wave surfed in Puerto Escondido, Mexico in 2018. She became known worldwide and continues to open paths to new generations and to be inspiration for many people, especially women around the world. Her voice as a leader of opinion and her special character makes her an example to follow due to her internal vision and example of lifestyle.
“Since I can remember, I have always felt an intense connection with nature in any of its forms, such as water, snow etc ... All my life I have been linked and totally in love with life and its different expressions. I think that in our genetic memory there is a very special moment, where according to the theory of Darwin evolution, we go from aquatic life to landlife. This transition is where the sea meets the coasts, where the waves are formed, and where for some reason I am strongly attracted to return. Instinct, genetics, or whatever makes me feel tremendously attracted to return to the sea every day. Having the magical sensation of being inside a tube or flying with a ramp given by beautiful waves to us makes me feel totally in love with it. Everything is familiar, the different aromas, the colors, the water that caresses on our skin, how landscapes are seen from the sea. We are beings of the sea, we are part of nature. ”